Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pick up the Phone!!!!!

Ahhh -- the power of the telephone. I had lunch with a fellow PR colleague today and eventually the topic turned (as it tends to do) to media relations and how so many people just rely on e-mail to pitch a story. I'm still a believer that each e-mail should be followed up with a quick call to reinforce the message. Disclaimer -- "just following up to check you got my release, please let me know if you need anything else" -- does not count. That's a waste of every one's time. Have a reason for the calling the journalist, already know what topics the journalist has recently covered and be prepared to answer any questions with well thought out and intelligent answers. I regularly pitch journalists through social networks, but I still call if I believe my pitch/idea warrants that type of follow up. There's nothing more effective than personal contact and it will help develop stronger relationships over time-- so pick up the phone!

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